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Editing PDF Files with Microsoft Word

September 13, 2022 | 0 Comments

File this under “You learn something new every day”. There are several online options for converting PDF documents to Microsoft Word format but today I came across an article published by The Windows Club which outlines probably the simplest way to do this if you already own a copy of [Read more..]

What is the Proper Order for Updating WordPress?

September 7, 2022 | 0 Comments

Should I Update WordPress or Plugins First? (Proper Update Order) WPBeginner.com September 7, 2022 Often beginners don’t install updates because they are afraid of breaking their site. Updating your WordPress site in the correct order will help you prevent common errors and troubleshoot more [Read more..]

Surfshark, a new Canadian VPN

August 27, 2022 | 0 Comments

Disclaimer: The following is my personal opinion and review of Surfshark. I have not received any money or other inducements for this review nor for mentions of any other products in this post. I intend only to pass along my experience with this product(s). As always, your mileage may vary. [Read more..]

A lot of content is not worth indexing: Google

August 18, 2022 | 0 Comments

Google Says Tons Of SEOs & Sites Produce Terrible Content Not Worth Indexing by Barry Schwartz, SERoundtable.com August 17, 2022 Google’s John Mueller said on Twitter that “lots of SEOs & sites produce terrible content that’s not worth indexing,” when someone was [Read more..]

High Resource use with Adobe Acrobat Reader: A Solution

August 12, 2022 | 0 Comments

I have been experiencing slow downs on my desktop computer for a while now. I tried troubleshooting wizards and other things to no avail Then I came across this article discussing high resource use by Acrobat Reader even while inactive: Adobe RdrCEF.exe High CPU usage on Windows 11/10. I tried the [Read more..]

Important WordPress 5.8.3 Security Release

January 9, 2022 | 0 Comments

Many WordPress sites today have set the installation to auto-update when new versions of WordPress or your WordPress plugins are released. If you are one of them, your site should have received the update automatically by now. You can double check that you are running the 5.8.3 version. If not, do [Read more..]

WordPress and PHP 8.0: Current status

September 11, 2021 | 0 Comments

Just a quick update: Since the release of PHP8, we have had several WordPress updates and the most recent versions of WordPress appear to run well on PHP8. However, the remaining problem remains the WordPress plugins and custom themes, which probably affects almost all active WordPress sites. Many [Read more..]
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